My Artwork.

A painting of rolling hills and bright trees in the autumn
A painting of gold and red trees in the autumn
A painting of a colorful marsh in the spring
A painting of a rural Vermont landscape in winter
A painting of grass blown in the wind and a large river
A painting of a black bird on a branch with southwestern mountains in the background
A painting of a huge southwestern mesa
A painting of a river crossing a dense landscape in the autumn at sunset
A painting of a river with scrubby vegetation
A painting of a rock formation and mesa in the southwest
A painting of two green old fashioned cars with huge sunflowers
A painting of an old fashioned car with huge tiger lillies
A painting of a black old fashioned car and large hollyhock flowers
A painting of a bouquet of lillies and daffodils on a table
A painting of blooming daffodils
A painting of a bouquet of sunflowers and irises
A painting of old fashioned cars getting gas at a Shell station
A painting of an old truck with a broken window
A painting of a historic, bright red mill along a river in the snow
A painting of a small boat house and docked tugboat